Educating the Whole Child.


  JumpRope - gradebook

GreenWood believes that all children can learn and achieve high standards. The student assessment process at GreenWood facilitates the achievement of this goal by making explicit the criteria by which successful performance may be judged.

Please contact info@greenwoodcharter for login information.
  • Exemplary (4): I demonstrate a complete understanding of the knowledge and skills outlined within a content standard without additional support, and I am able to perform content-related skills without significant errors. I can apply the knowledge and skills outlined in multiple contexts. 

  • Proficient (3): I demonstrate a complete understanding of the skills and knowledge outlined within a content standard with minimal assistance, and perform tasks and skills with few errors. 

  • Developing (2): I demonstrate a basic understanding of the skills and knowledge outlined within a content standard, and require some support to complete content-related skills. 

  • Beginning  (1): I demonstrate little or no understanding of the skills and knowledge outlined within a content standard. I am unable to complete work toward this content standard without significant instructional support or without significant errors.

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