We love our teachers and are grateful for their hard work and dedication to the students of GreenWood! We have a diverse group of teachers and staff, with rich experience to help educate and support our growing seeds. We have K-8 LEA specific licensed educators.
LICENSE LEVELS Professional - 76% AEL - 14% Site Specific - 10%
Professional - Standard professional license issued to educators that have completed a Utah education program, traditional or alternative, or transferred an educator license from another state or country and met Utah’s licensure requirements. Valid for 5 years, renewable.
AEL - Temporary license issued to an individual earning their professional educator license through a Utah university-based or alternate education preparation program as defined in Utah Administrative Rule R277-301. Valid for 3 years.
LEA-Specific - Temporary license approved by the governing board of a Local Education Agency (LEA) under Utah Administrative Rule R277-301. Valid for 1, 2, or 3 years.
Tracey Nelsen, School Director, tnelsen@greenwoodcharter.org
Jayme Nay, Board Chair, jnay@greenwoodcharter.org
Office - 801.590.2972
Fax - 801.689.0331
GreenWood Charter School
840 North US 89
Harrisville, UT 84404